Is a disease or condition that is caused by poor diet, injuries and other diseases. It involves loss of sensation, numbness, tingling and burning. It is a disease that can damage nerves in your feet and keep them from functioning correctly. It is very common in people who have diabetes. When your nerves are damaged you are more likely to injure your feet without being cognizant of it. Over a long period of time your neuropathy may lead to permanent loss of function in your nerves as well as joints.
Try eating foods that are healthy for you like meals high in Vitamin B. They can help nerve problems caused by poor nutrition. If you are diabetic, be sure to monitor your blood sugar often and develop planned menus.
Get plenty of exercise daily. It will improve the blood flow in your feet. It will also increase strength and flexibility in your feet. Start with low impact exercises like walking and riding a bike. Talk with your podiatrist or regular primary care physician about your routine. Make sure to give them a complete history of the exercises that cause discomfort or are difficult for you.
You need to examine your feet every day for problems. You need to have great shoes that fit properly. Check inside the shoe for rough seams and See your podiatrist for regular nail care and callus trimming. Be sure to watch for red spots or blisters or sores, calluses, color changes in the skin, thick or yellow toenails.
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