Thursday, July 25, 2013



Walking is the best exercise for us as long as we are wearing a good pair of shoes.

WHY is it so good for us?

+Our bodies are designed to walk
+Walking causes the least amount of damage
+You do it all the time
+There is no cost
+You do not need a personal trainer to teach you.


+Walking will help control your weight
+It will improve your mood
+It is great for your immune system
+Strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles
+Lower your blood pressure
+Improve energy and endurance


+Arch Support
+Heel Cup
+Wide Toe Box
+Real Leather
+Removable, Replaceable Insert
+Low Heel
+Lots of Cushioning
+Good Brand Names Like: Naot, Wolky. Alegria, Aetrex, Spira, Orthaheel, Taos, New Balance, etc.,


Get a buddy to walk with you for motivation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013




Australian Podiatrist Phillip J. Vasyli has achieved ground-breaking research in lower-limb biomechanics and orthotic treatments. Successfully treating more than 50,000 patients, Phil founded three specialty clinics in Sydney and currently consults with clinics and practitioners across the globe.
Upon founding Vasyli International in 1979 Phil Vasyli invented his first heat-moldable, pre-fabricated orthotic, dramatically altering the podiatric medical scene with a less expensive, more efficient alternative to traditional orthotic treatment. Phil's innovation found instant success, providing both medical practitioners and patients with a natural, pain-free solution and customizable orthotic treatment on the spot.
Designed to restore natural foot function and well-being with every step, Phil introduced the award-winning Orthaheel brand in 1991 in order to reach an even larger audience of people struggling with heel, knee and lower back pain, helping alleviate wear and tear to many parts of the body by realigning feet to their natural position.
Orthaheel is available in more than 25 countries around the world and now includes over-the-counter orthotic footbeds, slippers, sandals and walking shoes.
As the founding member of the Vasyli Think Tank Phil collaborates with leading experts in podiatric medicine, physiotherapy, physical therapy and diabetic footcare. The Vasyli Think Tank's thought leadership, product innovation and clinical research drives the success of both Vasyli Medical and the Orthaheel consumer brand.

SOLE SAVERS SHOE STORE                                                                    BUILT-IN ORTHOTIC
1607 VISA DRIVE, SUITE 5B                                                                                SYSTEM

Thursday, January 24, 2013


To remain a productive and valuable worker, you must be able to be on your feet with ease and comfort.

You have some risk of foot injury if you have a job that requires you to walk and stand for hours at a time.

Watch out for hazards like:

Surfaces that are oily, wet, slippery, hot. Sparks from metal, chemicals, static electricity. Wear shoes with a rubber sole to avoid these.

 These are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  1. Be cognizant of the hazards at your work area and take the necessary steps to avoid an accident.
  2. Keep your workstation clean and uncluttered.
  3. Work steady at a moderate speed, pace yourself.
  4. Focus on your duties, be attentive.
  5. Do not take the shortcut, use all equipment properly.
  6. Be thoughtful of those around you, safety first.
  7. Watch for hazards, be alert.

Here are some things to remember when you are off-the-job:

  1. Wash and dry your feet in warm water everyday.
  2. Look at your feet everyday and check for any changes, redness, swelling, blisters, etc.
  3. Keep your feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
  4. Always trim your nails straight across or have your podiatrist do this for you.
  5. See your podiatrist annually for regular check ups.
  6. Always wear protective foot wear when you are in a construction zone, using  lawn tools, in extreme temperatures, moving heavy furniture etc.,
Your feet are very important and are the most likely to be exposed to hazardous situations. Because of the many dangers your feet could be in, you should talk to your supervisor about the correct shoes, boots or other protective equipment that you will need.

If you do receive an injury at work, make sure you tell someone in authority and get prompt medical attention. Pain in your feet is not something to ignore. See your podiatrist anytime you experience pain in your feet or ankles. They are foot and ankle specialists, they treat foot and ankle injuries all day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



Your tendons are soft tissues that connect your muscles to the bones. If you overuse your muscles, you could strain the tendons and develop TENDONITIS. 

Initially, you will experience pain and swelling and it will come and go quickly. But, if you do not let the muscles rest and continue to use that set of muscles too often the outer layer of the tendon may swell or some of the fibers in the tendon may rip apart. If you keep straining this set of muscles you will develop tendonitis. 


There are four major tendons in the foot and ankle:

1. Achilles Tendon
2. Posterior Tibial Tendon
3. Anterior Tibial Tendon
4. Peroneal Tendon

The Achilles Tendon is located in the back of the foot. It connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. If you have tendonitis in the achilles you will have pain when your foot touches down or when your heel lifts off the ground.

The Posterior Tibial Tendon is located on the inside of the ankle and foot. If the pain is in this tendon you will feel  it hurt when your foot pushes forward off the ground, or when it moves back and forth.

The Anterior Tibial Tendon is on the front of your foot. It is where your foot first meets the ground. If this tendon is strained your pain will happen when you are going up and down the stairs.

The Peroneal Tendon is located on the outside of your foot. It wraps along the bottom of your foot, from the outside to the inside. You may experience pain when standing.

The best way to relieve the pain right away is ice and heat. Your Podiatrist may recommend anti-inflammatory medications and you should limit your use of these muscles and rest them for a few days.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Is a disease or condition that is caused by poor diet, injuries and other diseases. It involves loss of sensation, numbness, tingling and burning. It is a disease that can damage nerves in your feet and keep them from functioning correctly. It is very common in people who have diabetes. When your nerves are damaged you are more likely to injure your feet without being cognizant of it. Over a long period of time your neuropathy may lead to permanent loss of function in your nerves as well as joints.

Try eating foods that are healthy for you like meals high in Vitamin B. They can help nerve problems caused by poor nutrition. If you are diabetic, be sure to monitor your blood sugar often and develop planned menus.

Get plenty of exercise daily. It will improve the blood flow in your feet. It will also increase strength and flexibility in your feet. Start with low impact exercises like walking and riding a bike. Talk with your podiatrist or regular primary care physician about your routine. Make sure to give them a complete history of the exercises that cause discomfort or are difficult for you.

You need to examine your feet every day for problems. You need to have great shoes that fit properly. Check inside the shoe for rough seams and See your podiatrist for regular nail care and callus trimming. Be sure to watch for red spots or blisters or sores, calluses, color changes in the skin, thick or yellow toenails.

Monday, December 31, 2012



A Hammertoe develops when the toe joint curls or buckles due to tight tendons or muscle imbalance. Wearing tight shoes and tight pantyhose and socks greatly increase your chances of acquiring a Hammer Toe.

There are two types of Hammer Toes, flexible or rigid.

A Flexible Hammer Toe can be straightened by your fingers. Generally, they are not painful.

A Rigid Hammer Toe cannot be straightened, it is painful and distorts the foot movement considerably. It may also cause extra stress on the ball of the foot causing a callus or corn.

In most cases, the little toe is the most likely to have a Hammer Toe. Your little toes help you with your balance and they are like levers that help push your foot along so you can ambulate. When you ambulate the foot flattens and the little toes bend to grip the ground. With your Podiatrist's help you can have your Hammer Toes treated so you can walk around comfortably.

How to Treat Hammer Toes

In most cases, all you need to do is change the type of shoes you are wearing. You should wear shoes that have a wide toe box, good arch support and they should not put pressure on any surfaces of your feet. Using a pad or splint to hold your toes straight will also help. If you have severe symptoms surgery will probably be needed. What surgery you have will depend on whether your toe joints are flexible or rigid.